February 05, 2018
Vitaclean X Solyna Charity Event in London's South Place Hotel
Earlier this month we were able to put together a beautiful event to promote our partnership with Solyna Foundation with the efforts to help spread awareness about sex slavery in Cambodia.
Solyna Foundation is a non-profit organization that is committed to helping victims of sex trafficking in Asia. It was created, under the leadership of volunteers outraged by slavery, torture and rape suffered by millions of girls and children around the world every day.
Thanks to Human Rights Activist and Hollywood actress AnnaLynn McCord for coming and supporting our cause, Into App for helping us invite incredible influencers, South Place Hotel for providing their beautiful suite and Island Poke UK for the delicious poke bowls!
Beautiful photos by Tiffany Roubert

This scourge affects more particularly Southeast Asia and that is why Solyna Foundation focus its efforts on this region. Solyna’s actions on the field consist mostly in rescue operations and medical care for the young victims, but also rehabilitation programs.
Solyna works hand in hand with AFESIP (Acting for Women in Distressing Situations), which acts directly on the field, mainly in Cambodia , but also in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

Show us how you GLOW! Please share your love on social media by hashtagging #VITACLEANXSOLYNA and @vitaclean_official to show off your glowiest moment!