Drop4Drop X Vitaclean build a well in Tanzania

A heartfelt thank you from Vitaclean, Drop4Drop and the community in Maninga!

Thanks to all of your support, donations from your purchases and with the efforts and help of Drop4Drop Organization, Vitaclean has been able to build a well in Maninga, Tanzania that provides a village of 125 with access to clean water 💦


Maninga, Tanzania


'Clean water has always been a big problem for us. We are a small community village located away from important things like clean water and medicines. Thanks to the support of the donors we are now able to get the water that we need for our crops and our homes so that our daily lives are that little bit easier'.

- Community member

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Let's change even more lives together!
Vitaclean donates to Drop4Drop charity water organization, which helps provide clean water in areas of the world that do not have access to it.